Friday, April 19, 2013

Soldiers are in our Society !

When I am writing this post, a thing which is not tolerable is again happened in our country. I am talking about the ghoulish crime report of rape in our national capital. A brutal crime with a 5 year old girl child. How can one do that...??? Why...??? Where is the Humanity...??? For God Sake.... How one can get such disgusting ideas in mind...??!! And then, who can forget "Damini" who fought with the death just to make sure that the world that the enemies of mankind will get punished. And yes though she is not here, her enemies are feeling the guilt. infact, one of them attempted suicide death. But the thing arise, why, with such disgusting mind, how...???
But the system is corrupt, full of faults, and the people know it. That is why the Protests, Heavy protest started again, and who can forget that historical moment, when scores of people gathered at the Rajpath to show the sympathy with Damini, to show anger against the system, to get assurance from the nation's supreme. And if this mob includes women, it also had a large amount of men. My Salute is to all those Men who stood up against such a brutality, with one voice, with one vision to change such divagate minds among their fraternity. These men stood up, with one voice, that they will never let the same thing happen, that they will restore the status of Devi, that they will always respect the devi, the feminine power.

I would also like to give respect to that man, the friend of the "Damini", who stood up, despite thinking of what would others will consider him as, and showed up on the TV with all those wounds he got from the system, from the humanity, and described how was they treated that night. His Intentions were clear, to show the society its real face, the dark side, where no one cares, where there is no sensitivity. He stood up to save, to respect the half population. He is a hero.
 And then, this photograph, look at the anger, on the face of that girl child, angry because, she knew that she came into a society where the Goddesses are worshiped, and where the women are used as toys, but i am damn sure that she knew, she was in the safer hands, assured by her father. I would consider her father as a Hero, that he stood up against such crime in delhi, and then came along his doll, to show up that he is there, men like him are there, and they will always be there, to assure the half population, that they will be respected, that they will be much safer, and will be protected against the devils of society.
I am not specifying anyone, take this in broader way, that the soldiers, who can stand up for the women, are here, in our society only, they can be a father, friend, brother, they also knew that some among them are criminals, and they also want to assure that those criminal minds would learn the lesson, the lesson to respect,
and with such soldiers available in the society, i am sure, the change is near.

This post is a part of #Soldierforwomen in association with

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